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Hans-Joachim BA¶ckenhauer, Dirk Bongartz Algorithmic Aspects of Bioinformatics (Natural Computing Series)
Advances in bioinformatics and systems biology require improved computational methods for analyzing data, while progress in molecular biology is in turn influencing the development of computer science methods. This book introduces some key
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Edward E. Qian, Ronald H. Hua, Eric H. Sorensen Quantitative Equity Portfolio Management: Modern Techniques and Applications (Chapman & Hall/Crc Financial Mathematics Series)
Quantitative equity portfolio management combines theories and advanced techniques from several disciplines, including financial economics, accounting, mathematics, and operational research. While many texts are devoted to these disciplines, few
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Michele Cagan Streetwise Incorporating Your Business: From Legal Issues to Tax Concerns, All You Need to Establish and Protect Your Business (Adams Streetwise Series)
Incorporating your business can provide numerous legal and financial advantages--it also has long-term ramifications on how you manage and structure your organization. Streetwise Incorporating Your Business will not only educate you about
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Gary R. McClain Presentations: Proven Techniques for Creating Presentations That Get Results
Presentations, Second Edition takes the anxiety out of creating dynamic presentations with a commonsense, step-by-step plan for success. The book starts you off on the right foot by introducing the critical but often overlooked basics
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