Barbara Warnick

Rhetoric Online: Persuasion and Politics on the World Wide Web (Frontiers in Political Communication)

Rhetoric Online is a systematic examination of the forms and nature of Web-based public discourse in the fields of social activism, political campaigning, and other venues where rhetorical discourses are addressed to public audiences. Warnick ...

Francesca Bargiela-Chiappini, Brigitte Planken, Catherine Nickerson

Business Discourse (Research and Practice in Applied Linguistics)

This advanced textbook introduces a new multidisciplinary framework for an international synthesis of the field of business communication, centering on the investigation of business language as discourse. It promotes debate and inquiry on several ...

Dennis Galvan, Rudra Sil

Reconfiguring Institutions across Time and Space: Syncretic Responses to Challenges of Political and Economic Transformation (Political Evolution and Institutional Change)

This volume explores the unanticipated consequences of emulating, importing, or imposing new institutional models without commensurate attention to the particular constellations of interests, identities, norms, and social relations ...

Positive Organizational Behavior

Positive Organizational Behavior is emerging as a truly contemporary movement within the classic discipline of organizational behavior. The best work of leading scholars is gathered together in one edited collection. Chapters present the ...

<<<  John Callaghan, Mark Phythian. British Labour ...             А. П. Чехов. А. П. Чехов. Полное собрание сочинений. Том 22. Повести ... >>>

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