Stephen G. Ryan

Financial Instruments and Institutions: Accounting and Disclosure Rules

This book is an authoritative guide to the accounting and disclosure rules for financial institutions and instruments. It provides guidance from a “fair value” perspective and demonstrates the simplest and most natural measurement basis ...

Thomas Getzen

Health Care Economics

Becoming a manager of a health care organization requires a broad understanding of the field. This includes a strong grasp of the economics involved in the daily operation of the organization. Providing an accessible introduction to important ...

Frederick R. Kobrick

The Big Money: Seven Steps to Picking Great Stocks and Finding Financial Security

It takes only a few high-quality stocks for a stock portfolio to make the big money. Finding winning stocks is a skill that any serious investor can learn, says Fred Kobrick, veteran stock picker and legendary mutual-fund manager. In The Big ...

Kristin Layng Szakos, Joe Szakos

We Make Change: Community Organizers Talk About What They Do--and Why

Community organizers work at their jobs because they are passionate, because they believe that change is possible, and because they enjoy working with people. Although it's not an occupation that leads to great wealth, community organizers can make ...

<<<  Meera Mitra. It's Only Business: India's Corporate Social ...             А. П. Чехов. А. П. Чехов. Полное собрание сочинений. Том 22. Повести ... >>>

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