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BradyGames Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer Official Strategy Guide
BradyGames’ Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer Official Strategy Guide includes the following: A complete walkthrough of the entire game.
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Mike Green Change Management Masterclass: A Step-By-Step Guide to Successful Change Management
Change management, handled badly, can create enormous problems for business. A recent McKinsey survey suggested that only 6% of change management projects are completed successfully and that the process causes feelings of anxiety and confusion among
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Paul Springer Ads to Icons: How Advertising Succeeds in a Multimedia Age
Ads to Icons introduces new approaches to advertising that go beyond traditional TV/press/billboard communications. It argues that in an age of media saturation and far better customer information, advertising no longer needs to push information at
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Bill Belknap, Helene Seiler For Executives Only: Applying Business Techniques to Your Job Search (Five O'Clock Club)
For Executives Only covers what you need to know to execute an effective job search. These techniques are based 25 years of research by The Five O'Clock Club, a national career coaching and outplacement organization. The authors have
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